Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.

Spring 2018
Rho Class

Spring 2018
Rho Class

Learn more about
Lambda Delta Psi
Lambda Delta Psi was founded on May 1st, 2009, at the University of Oklahoma by four ladies: Diane Cho, Mai Le, Samantha Lee, and Stacie Nguyen. These ladies had a vision to step out of the stereotype and establish a sorority solely based on what they believed was sisterhood. They felt as if the views on sisterhood and a sorority needed to be changed. So with that vision and one common goal in mind, they set out to redefine sisterhood. Once these ladies began to take action, they started under the organization name, R.E.A.L., which stood for Redefined Elegant Asian Ladies, in the spring of 2009. Through much devoted time and effort, they successfully turned their vision into reality and beyond. These ladies have managed to create their own unique identity within the large Greek community. With focus on sisterhood, community service, and academic excellence, Lambda Delta Psi has sprouted from the roots to blossom into the sorority that it is today.

Beta Chapter History
Established at the University of Houston on January 22, 2010
Gained Chapter status on August 11, 2018
In the Fall of 2009, five young ladies found themselves being brought together with a common goal, to create a new and unique sisterhood that no sorority has ever sought to achieve. With hopes in creating new options and opportunities, these girls found a sorority with the same hopes and ideas. They were first established as Girlfriends Reaching to Achieve Class and Elegance (G.R.A.C.E.) at the University of Houston. With hard work and each other by their sides, they were able to overcome every obstacle and become the sorority what is now known as Lambda Delta Psi.