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Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc.

Spring 2018
Rho Class

Spring 2018
Rho Class

Philanthropy and Community Service
At Lambda Delta Psi, we are dedicated ladies who strive to give back to the community through acts of service and volunteering. Every semester we focus on one philanthropy by giving back to the community, raising awareness, and fundraising for non-profits. All of the Lambda Delta Psi chapters/colonies stress the importance of giving back to the community and we believe that volunteering brings people together and helps strengthen character.

National Philanthropy
Every Fall semester, all of the chapters and colonies of Lambda Delta Psi are set out to assist those suffering from ovarian cancer by continually promoting the awareness of ovarian cancer throughout the local community. Simultaneously, we all seek to raise donations to help research funds for ovarian cancer through events during our Philanthropy Week. We hope through our actions that one day improved treatments and a possible cure may be found. Our organization is partnered up with the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
Ovarian cancer is the growth of abnormal malignant cells that begins in the ovaries. Tumors found can either be benign or malignant. The cancerous tumors can spread either directly to other organs in the pelvis and abdomen or through the bloodstream/lymph nodes to other regions of the body.
For more information, click the link below!

Spring Philanthropy
Every Spring semester, our chapter seek a local non-profit organization in the Houston Area to raise more awareness for the community. We also fundraise to help these smaller non-profit organizations during our Philanthropy Week.
Community Service
The sisters of Lambda Delta Psi actively participate in various community service events every semester. We value the importance of giving back to the community around us, so many active sisters volunteer at least 8 hours per semester.
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